Shiatsu is a powerful massage technique originating in Japan, a country that is primarily associated with the celebration of beauty and where taking care of oneself is not a daily routine but a ritual-rich art. It combines the traditions of Oriental medicine with the achievements of modern Western medicine in anatomy, physiology, physiotherapy, osteopathy, and affects both the body, mind and emotions. Shiatsu massage is a deeply relaxing treatment that brings the body into balance and harmony. Stimulating our vitality and activating the body's regeneration and healing processes. It mainly involves applying pressure using thumbs, hands, elbows, feet and knees. The excellent health results obtained from working with this method led the Japanese government to officially recognize it as a curative therapy in 1964. Shiatsu is an effective method that works on migraines, depression, back pain, and also helps the digestive system and speeds up metabolism. Massage has a salutary effect on our bodies. Metabolic balance occurs, health improves, headaches disappear, it also works on toothaches, sinusitis, swelling. It has a positive effect on recovery and stimulation - a person feels rested and relaxed after a massage, the body returns to balance both physically and spiritually.
This is another exotic relaxation massage showing effects not only on our body, but also on the emotional, mental sphere. It came to us from Hawaii and has quite an interesting tradition in the culture there. Originally, this massage was performed by the Kahunas, or ancient Hawaiian shamans with healing powers. The treatment was carried out on a stone altar, which is where it got its name "temple massage" and also why it had a strong spiritual and therapeutic meaning from the beginning. At the time, a lomi lomi massage was treated as a kind of ritual, taking several hours to perform, with songs and dances.
The name of the massage fully captures its meaning and the philosophy behind it. The word lomi comes from the Hawaiian language and means "to press," "to rub," "to knead." Literally translated, however, it means "touching a satisfied cat with a soft paw." It not only affects a person's physical sphere, but also the emotional and spiritual spheres, as the massage therapist also works to positively program the patient's mind.
In the physical realm:
- stimulates circulation,
- Makes stiff joints more flexible,
- Softens hardened tissues causing general relaxation and relaxation,
- has a positive effect on ailments of the circulatory, digestive, skeletal or genitourinary systems.
Hawaiian massage naturally and gently affects the patient’s psyche. During the massage, the emotional energy accumulated in the muscles is released. Lomi Lomi massage is often performed with a specific intention, which is very quickly realized later. It helps to free oneself from unpleasant memories, to expel traumatic events from the subconscious, blocking personal development and achieving success and happiness in life. It helps to focus on what is happening HERE and NOW, to find oneself in the surrounding reality.Therefore, this massage is a great form of treatment for people who are overworked, experiencing long-term tension, anxiety and stress, suffering from anxiety disorders and even depression.
Lomi Lomi releases positive energies that bring joy and the will to live back to a person. He regains unity with his true nature. Problems and situations that previously appeared insurmountable suddenly find simple solutions or simply cease to irritate.
It brings a lot of light and love to the surrounding world into a person’s consciousness and restores inner peace, which consequently leads to self-love. And this is the key to achieving everything we dream of. With Lomi Lomi, our soul and body reach a state of balance. Harmony of body and soul allows you to open up to change.
This is one of the variations of Thai massage, the classic version of which has evolved over the centuries. Although the traditional and oldest version of Thai massage is a dry massage, a type using relaxing scented oils has also evolved. This type of treatment is also more subtle and gentle for the person being massaged. Like the classic version of Thai massage, it involves applying pressure and stretching the muscles using the hands, elbows, fingers and forearms, but the movements used are gentle and not as deep. It is crucial for this type of treatment to choose the right essential oil, the most commonly used are extracts of lavender, rosewood, sandalwood, rose and ylang-ylang. The oils not only stimulate the senses, but, above all, show nourishing properties. Combining healthful movements with aromatherapy has a relaxing effect on the body, while improving the functioning of the immune and nervous systems. Thai massage with oils is recommended especially for people who cannot enjoy the classic version of it - either for health reasons or because of its intensity. This type of treatment is an excellent form of relaxation for all stressed and busy people who want to relieve their bodies and their minds of too much tension. Thai oil massage noticeably improves the function of the circulatory, lymphatic, nervous and immune systems. It nourishes and conditions the skin, relieves pain in the neck, neck, shoulders, back, pelvis and legs.
Classical Thai Massage is derived from ancient Chinese medical knowledge combined with acupressure techniques, Ayurveda and passive yoga. Massage consists of slow and rhythmic pressure on specific parts of the muscles so as to bring about their relaxation. The ritual begins with a foot massage, through successive parts of the body, heading towards the head, which in Buddhist philosophy is a sacred point. It is performed with the hands, thumbs, wrists, forearms and also elbows, knees, feet.
Importantly, the massage is not performed in one position. The person being massaged arranges himself or herself during the treatment in various positions characteristic of yoga, in which successive parts of the body are massaged. This arrangement performs two important functions - the pressure on the muscles leads to their relaxation and release from painful contraction, making it easier for energy to flow freely in the body, while yogic positions stimulate circulation and have a positive effect on joint mobility. Unlike Balinese massage, classical Thai massage does not use essential oils, so it is a dry massage.
Thai Classic Massage is a great way to relieve fatigue and stress. It will relax your body and relieve it of tension. Right after the massage, our guests are treated to traditional Matum tea, prepared from the Bael fruit.
Herbal hot stamp massage originated in Thailand, where it has been used for more than 400 years. According to tradition, this treatment is performed using specially prepared cotton stamps filled with aromatic herbs, fruits and spices with medicinal properties. Before the massage begins, the stamps are heated to a temperature that allows the essential oils from the herbs to be released, and then the body is massaged with them.
Herbal stem massage uses turmeric, lemongrass, cinnamon, ginger, coffee, cloves, guarana, sea salts, eucalyptus leaves and algae, whose stimulating and lipolytic properties are used in anti-cellulite and weight loss therapies. The intense aroma of the herbs wafting during the treatment is of great therapeutic value.